
Tony F. Soza-Ray Martinez, Thunderbird Post 41



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Our Sponsors List contains the names of our local businesses, large and small, commercial, industrial, educational, and non-profit organizations. These Sponsors unselfishly lend their support and financial assistance to enrich our community. Click on a Sponsor's logo to be connected to the Sponsor's web page.


We wish to extend our gratitude to Hickman's Family Farm for their support during our community Easter Egg Hunt. Without their support, we would have a difficult time providing for the children within our community. Thank You.



 These two organizations stepped up and provided support to our post when we were in dire need, we had lost our ability to serve our community and Veterans due to the Fuentes Hall roof issues that closed our doors, and with their support, we were able to make our facility operational to continue to serve as we had in the past sixty plus years.  Outstanding community support, the membership, our community, and our veterans and their families extend our gratitude.